“Sun King”

“Standing on our greenish-blue planet,
staring at the brilliant sun above.
Molded in destruction, fused by annihilation,
a billion-year-old journey of love.

Someday, many moons from now,
our vibrant sun will change.
Like us,
it too has a mortality range.

With its’ last act this desperate king,
will balloon in size,
until it can’t sustain a thing.

Leaving a white dwarf fading,
haloed by its’ former glory.
Reduced only to memories,
a once novel story.”©


Life Stuff

“The growth,
and development of simply:complex.
A journey of self,
A road trip of unproperly proper understanding.

A quest for knowledge,
absorbed in unlearning and learning thru experience.

Hearing the true rhythm
and not only accepting, but embracing,
the unknown.

Most importantly though,
appreciating that this adventure is coming to an end.
Loose ends are being clipped or cleaned and I’m anxious for the future.

The possibilities.
The potential of action,
combined with passion.”© 


“Old Flame”

“Her thighs were my life.

Pulling every fantasy out of my imagination, and into our passionate reality.

Every kiss,
a new flame igniting us.

I miss the warmth of her brown-eyed stare,
drowning me with each thrust.

She may have known others,
but none like me.

I miss being deep inside,
the moans both whispered and screamed into each ear.

An inferno between my queens legs,
engulfing me,
into serenity.”©
